
Saturday 11 May 2013

The digger at work...

Following on from yesterday's post, I'm adding a couple of videos of the digger actually working

I hasten to add - In The Rain!

so there is one lurcher looking very wet and fed up in the first clip!
(sorry they are only very short clips though, the camera was about to run out of battery)...

 and the digger a bit closer....

Thursday 2 May 2013

Not William this time!

For a change I have sketched someone else's little dog and it isn't our William.  So don't tell William! he may get upset....


~this little dog lives on Dartmoor!~

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Blogs that are not Updating

Hi everyone,

Just popped by to say that some of the Blogs I follow (In the right-hand sidebar)  are not Updating like they should do.   I chose the setting 'Most Recently Updated' and usually this works just fine, but for some reason a few of them are not jumping up to the top of the list when people do a new blog post.

Has anyone else had this problem?    My blog SketchingWilliam is also one of those that has not updated today!...Strange happenings or what.  I have cleared cache and cookies just in case, plus reset the Template, but to no avail.  It would seem this is a Blogger all I can say is:

"Please be patient with me.  I will get to your blogs, but perhaps just a little slower as I am not aware you have Updated with a new post".