Two days ago we saw our first Adder of the season. When the sun is out and the banks, along the dunes at the beach, are basked in warmth we have to take care and make sure William doesn't go sniffing where it's wise not to!!!
and a
slightly closer picture of the same one (the zoom was used on the camera)...
if you click on the Location tab below it will take you to the place we found her.
oh I forgot you have poisonous snakes there. William behave. Great photos. I could see how he blends into the landscape and could be deadly. xox
Fortunately only this one type of snake here Corrine, but that's enough, lol :-)
Fantastic to see this Ann- well done getting the shot.
Thanks CT :-)
Eeeeeeewwwwwwww :(
Blending quite well with the environment, watch out !
It was very difficult to see at first ..eeeek!
She is beautiful. We have them in the garden and on the New Forest heathland here, but they are secretive creatures and we rarely see them.
I know you aren't in the US and maybe snakes are different in England, but it looks like it has a rounded face and no viper pits, meaning it isn't poisonous. Is this correct? Still, it does look dangerous. Not only should William watch his sniffing but you should probably be cautious of where your feet go. It is the same color as the grasses.
Thanks Dartford Warbler, Faye and Christine...I'm on ipad at moment, when I'm on computer I will give a fuller reply. To your comments :-).
I would much rather see starfish at the beach than an adder! LOL
Me too! lol
Hi I said the other day, when I was on computer I would give a fuller reply....check out my blog post today.
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