first assignment
looking at Toast
very closely
The next assignment is to draw quickly and then in slow detail
- really makes you think this one -
first the quick splash of paint
then the Slow part - the detail
(this took me out of my comfort zone, but that's
what these lessons are all about)
I'm looking forward to more lessons
If you haven't joined Sketchbook Skool, then give
it a go....well worth it.
Your puppy looks like he's about to shake his wet coat right off the page.
I had a look at their web site and it looks very interesting but I have to admit the way they spell "school" and "course" annoys me a lot. There's no need use childish spelling, we can all read. So I'll see what your comments are once you have finished the course.
Nice picture of William.
Still struggling with a bad sneezy sniffy cold, which has turned into a sinus infection, but antibiotics are finally starting to kick in. Pass the kleenex.
We did get wet for real at the time CJ, he loves to do that at the beach (on purpose I'm sure) lol.
I know what you mean, but I looked upon it as a quirky arty thing, not to be taken seriously. I'm sure English teachers out there are tearing their hair out though, lol. I am enjoying the class - klass? ;) Hopefully I will get some more drawings done in this particular section and also looking forward to future ones.
Sorry you have had a sinus infection, that is miserable for you...was it started with hay fever? Hope you feel better very soon.
excellent work so far!! i so wanted to sign up for the skool but had already committed to another year-long online course. A girl can only do so much!!
can't wait to see what else you do in your class.
Thanks Sue. I can understand you not wanting to take on extra commitments. I can though recommend Sketchbook Skool. It allows me to put in as much work to a subject as I personally want to. There is no pressure to produce work unless I put that pressure on myself. One thing I am enjoying of it, is that I get to see what other people do.
I was thinking about joining too....but life has a way of getting in the way! I wait to hear how you like it. Great drawing! You caught him just before the shake!
Always a joy to view your work, in all forms :)
Aww, wish you had joined Robin! I thought it would take up a lot of my time, but you can put into it purely what you like and keep going back over previous videos. It's great to see what other people do as well, which inspires. The price sounds a lot at first (for what you imagine you would get out of it) but actually is very reasonable.
Thanks so much Wyatt :-)
Exciting! Looking forward to see your work! These are a great start!
Thanks Judy, I hope I will be able to keep up with the homework :-)
Hi, Ann, I love your HUMOUR and spirit to enjoy any assignments! Let us enjoy drawing and painting.
Cheers and best wishes, Sadami
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