
Monday, 8 December 2014

Mini Travel Palette

I've made travel palettes before, but have just made this Mini one containing just three colours and thought I would share with you how I went about putting it if you wouldn't already guess, but goes.

Whilst shopping last weekend in Budleigh Salterton, Devon, I found this cute little tin at

well I couldn't leave it there could I, it was destined to hold three paint pans...

the tin measures 3" x 2½"

with a little work and some magnetic tape placed inside...

plus a little bit of magnetic tape on the bottom of the 3 pans

a piece of watercolour paper to fit inside the lid...

and another piece with the colour swatches on to remind me
what they are:

Quinacridome Gold ~ Prussian Blue ~ Alizarin Crimson

 As easy as that....


CJ Kennedy said...

Clever. Is the watercolor paper inside the lid to paint on? Do you mix your colors in the top metal lid?

Christine said...

very cute and creative, you are good to go!

Joan Tavolott said...

Cute way to do a limited palette!

ann @ studiohyde said...

Yes, I check out tones of colour on the watercolour paper in the lid CJ :-)

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Christine, I've put it into one of my handbags so it is there ready for me to use.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Joan, those three basic colours do most things :-)

alarmcat said...

perfect size!! and so cute :) said...

Love the idea. The Prussian blue is a color I have not used for years but never in watercolor. A greeny blue - right? I can see good green being made with it but how are the purples?
Just asking before i invest in a tube.
Do you use a travel brush?
Thanks Ann.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Yes, it's going to be such a handy size.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Hi Julie, yes the Prussian is slightly greenish......actually I find Prussian and Alizarin make a great shadow colour. If I use Prussian first, then add Alizarin (and depending on how much water I add) I get a slightly darker shade. If on the other hand I start with Alizarin then add the Prussian, I get a pinker (warmer) shade....this is depending again on amounts used and water proportions. Using the mix for shadows it does a grand job, and as these colours are already in a painting anyway (for harmony as you know) it all works together nicely. Yes, you are right it does make green with the Quin. Gold, but be warned, it is quite a bright shade. With this little palette, and others for travelling, I tend to use water brushes. :-) said...

You are generous with the info - thanks, Ann. I appreciate the details. I will watch out for the mixing tips and if the green is too bright a little aliz should help quieten it down. Off to order a tube of PB!

Judy said...

Great idea, very clever! Love your ideas about the three colours in it.

ann @ studiohyde said...

That's great Julie, glad to have helped with how I find these colours :-)

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Judy :-)

Down by the sea said...

A great idea to have at hand every time you see something to inspire you. Sarah x

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Sarah :-)

robin cox walsh said...

Very clever! :)

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Robin :-)

Jane said...

Irresistible little tin, excellent idea !

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Jane :-)

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Em :-)

Debbie Nolan said...

Dear Ann - this is amazing idea and you triggered inspiration into me because I have Altoid tin boxes I could use for something similar. Thank you friend for sharing. Just a great thought. Hope you have a great week-end - hugs!

PaintingWrite said...

The tin is adorable and i love what you did with it-what a clever idea.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Debbie and Nicolas - really pleased I added this blog post, if it inspires you both it has been so worth sharing....ann :-)

Sadami said...

Hi, Ann, really a brilliant idea! The tin can is also so cute and pretty. One day, we have to get together to show our each hand-made travel kit. Cheers, Sadami

ann @ studiohyde said...

That would be great Sadami, we could sketch too :-)