
Thursday, 15 January 2015

The cutest new arrivals 2015


Eileen H said...

Awww they are so beautiful.
I love to see new born lambs gamboling,
that's such a lovely word :)
I'm glad they are safe indoors from this awful weather.

Shammickite said...

You should add some upbeat music to this video.... those baa-lambs look like they are dancing!

CJ Kennedy said...

I want one!

ann @ studiohyde said...

I love seeing them too, sooo cute :-)

ann @ studiohyde said...

I should have added music, but can't think what would be right....suggestions on a postcard please, lol ;)

ann @ studiohyde said...

LOL :-)

Christine said...

sooo cute!

robin cox walsh said...

Adorable (with the exception of the painted numbers on their sides..... :-/ )

ann @ studiohyde said...


ann @ studiohyde said...

Yes, it's a case of 'No. 57 come in please'. Did you notice towards the end of the clip, the ewe checked the lamb that went too near to her, making sure it was hers - if it isn't their own lamb, a ewe will headbutt them out of the way! They can get quite ferocious too.

martha said...

future supplier of yarn for my knitting projects!

ann @ studiohyde said...

Martha, they could well be, lol :-)

Em Parkinson said...

SO SWEET! None here yet.....

Joan Tavolott said...

How adorable!

ann @ studiohyde said...

These aren't on the moor, but they are near Exeter. At least they are being kept in a barn. Our daughter, Lil helped deliver some of them :-)

ann @ studiohyde said...

They are, wish I could have been there to see them. These pics were taken by our daughter Lil.

Joy Murray said...

Lovely! Thanks for sharing your pretty little lamb.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Joy, there is something so adorable about them isn't there :-)

Faye said...

So adorable! The ewes at the sheep farm about 5 miles from me seem to deliver their lambs later than this. I'll have to keep an eye out for those little balls of fluff as I drive by.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Yes, they are adorable. We have a lot in Devon, so frequently see these little soles gamblin' about.