
Friday 12 June 2015

Stratford area stay

We stayed at Studley Castle  between Redditch and Stratford....

A lovely hotel, and also a great base for us to take trips out and around the place was the town of Alcester, an alternative to Stratford and you'll see why we liked it from these pictures...

see what I pleased we stopped there.

The next day, and another town - this time Leamington Spa - or rather Royal Leamington Spa as it likes to be called.  We shopped, but also found a lovely park which we thought a certain lurcher would enjoy.  Funny how some places turn out to be a great surprise when you weren't expecting them to be....

Jepshon Gardens

Old buildings but also new with this very modern glass house, which was free entry (very unusal these days)....whilst I enjoyed a look round it, the lads waited...

 as I said, the lads waited...on my way round the glass house I looked outside...and guess what I saw...take a close look on the seats in the distance..

 yes, William was sat on dad's lap!

Visiting new places...

there's nothing like it.


CJ Kennedy said...

Very lush gardens and greenhouse. What are those purple flowers?

Eileen H said...

Wow, another lovely hotel! Great park for William! It's years since I've been Warwickshire, thanks for sharing your photos :)

Christine said...

enjoyed your photos very much today Ann!

ann @ studiohyde said...

Hi CJ, I think they're Alliums. They did look lovely and planted together in a drift certainly worked well rather than individual plants dotted about :-)

ann @ studiohyde said...

We haven't stayed in Warwickshire for some time, so glad we discovered that hotel, it worked as a location well for us.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Christine - glad you like the pics :-)

alarmcat said...

great photos!! i'm so jealous ... looks like a wonderful place to visit. i love taking in gardens when we travel.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Sue....we enjoyed this trip so much and I'm glad I took so many pictures :-)

Joan Tavolott said...

Great photos of these locations! I especially love the gardens.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Joan...we were so pleased to have found those gardens.

robin cox walsh said...

Thanks for taking me along! I had a lovely time! :)

ann @ studiohyde said...

....See, I knew you would have a good time :-)