anyway...I have quite a few photos here of
a building that had a different face on the other side - two faced perhaps?
(I preferred this side)
Whilst I went off to the house,
husband and William took a walk across the fields....
and I wandered through the gardens to the main house...
various additional buildings around the estate before
getting to the main building...
...and ongoing work in the gardens.
This lady was busy weeding...they don't use pesticides to kill off weeds,
so it is a bit labour intensive - she could be there a while!
(I actually got to play that piano)
as with other National Trust properties these days,
there was ongoing cleaning work.
I reiterate that it is nice to see this,
makes it all less 'staged' when you see the
practical side of the NT work
and in the servants quarters, they still had the bells that summoned the staff.
...and how did the staff know which Room wanted them?
You see the little 'dangly' bit under the bell, well when they were summoned,
that 'dangly' bit would be swinging, hence they knew which Room to go to.
...and how did the staff know which Room wanted them?
You see the little 'dangly' bit under the bell, well when they were summoned,
that 'dangly' bit would be swinging, hence they knew which Room to go to.

Another enjoyable visit although
my least favourite NT house, but none the less it was good visiting.
my least favourite NT house, but none the less it was good visiting.
I can only imagine the cost of keeping that place going today.. Again the ceilings are incredible.
Absolutely. The Trust do a fantastic job really preserving these places for us all to visit.
Another fabulous place to visit. I don't envy that lady doing all the weeding on her hands and knees!
I think these were the precursors to the mansions of today!
It hurt my knees just to watch her!
I think they were.
I like the side you like best too! (How did you get to play the piano? Do tell!)
Yes, it was definitely the prettier side of the building that.
Some NT properties allow you to play a piano, not all, but this particular place had one with sheet music all ready for someone. There happened to be a Room Guide near it and when I stopped to look, she invited me to play - so I did. It felt good to play after all these years (back 'years ago' I would have probably been known for playing the piano just as much as for painting). Having not played for years, I was surprised it just came back to me like I had never been away from it, not that I would want to take piano up again, I much prefer painting in my old age ;)
Another wonderful tour! The NT is a great organisation for maintaining these beautiful properties. I love the bells! Funny that you could play the piano so well still!
Nice to know you enjoyed another tour Judy. As for the piano playing, I think it must be like riding a bike, you never forget ;)
You have had another fantastic holiday - the NT properties are lovely to see. It's amazing the difference in the front and back of this property. We have always been put off rejoining as so many properties don't allow dogs and days out will also include the dog. Sarah x
We've only come across one so far that didn't allow dogs around the estate walks, for that William stayed with one of us in the car park - that was okay as we had planned on another walk with him after the visit. Most NT's don't allow dogs in the gardens either, which is understandable, but husband has taken William on a long walk around (we collect a map of the routes to take him on at each property). We then swap over and husband gets to look in the houses whilst I wander back to the car and sketch with William. So, all in all we each get a good day out, just not visiting in the properties together.
Enjoyed the photos - and the comments as much. Love how you organise it so William gets to go out and you both get to see the NT properties!
Great pictures, loved the video as well! Thanks for the share!
Oh, quite interesting to look around the house! Especially, the "bells." (I wish I could have lived in the biiiig house and had servants...?!) But I love the duckies most. Oh, my heart was melt away. So, cute. Cheers, Sadami
Thanks Pat, I enjoyed taking the pictures on our travels. NT properties make a great place to explore and we are so glad they accept dogs, at least in the grounds.
Thanks Khloe...glad you enjoyed this blog post :-)
Somehow these National Trust houses transport us into their world, as was years ago. Although I think I wouldn't want to transport 'back' I would definitely miss the internet, lol :-)
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