
Wednesday 29 November 2017

Exeter Races

Had a lovely day with our daughter at Exeter Races last Sunday.  Not our usual entertainment, but this was a special day.  Do you remember me posting about Adventure Clydesdales on Dartmoor - click here for post if you missed it.    Well, some of the Clydesdales from that yard were actually RACING in Aid of The Devon Air Ambulance.   What better reason to go and see them race and help sponsor the air ambulance.

Enough's some pictures I took on the day...

The course

The big screen was useful, there were loads of people around the Parade Ring. This screen meant we were able to see riders and horses closer.

I guess it was a bit like watching TV, but actually being there!

Looked so strange to see jockeys on such large horses.

on their way down to the start

After the race, as they canter back to the parade ring -
and there's a repeat of the race on the big screen

~ We didn't win any money, but it was a win win for a grand day out ~


Friday 24 November 2017

Charlecote Park National Trust

Although our visit to the Charlecote Park National Trust property
started with a long walk, it was well worth the effort.

(There was a buggy service available though, but the exercise was good for us)

For one thing, the walk gave us the chance to take in the views of the parkland.

The grand entrance was also very impressive to this Victorian home.

HERE - it will tell you far more than I can put into this blogpost:


It was nice to see a lady in costume cooking in the kitchen,
that really brings things to life and almost like stepping back in time.
We have come across a few National Trust places who do this,
it makes such a difference to the visitor experience.
(I tried to ignore her watch though) ;)

Around the property -
Wooden detailing on doorways.  Beautiful work
and even the door handles were a rose (a Room Guide told me the detailing was a link to the tudor style of the property) and look at the detail around the keyhole.

I had wondered what this colourful plant was.
When I asked online via Facebook about it,
Charlecote kindly replied:

"Our gardener has replied and has said its a Cotoneaster.  There are lots of species and hybrids but is possibly a Cotoneaster Frigidus"

I thought the response was very helpful and kind of them to take the trouble to respond.


Monday 13 November 2017

A recent trip to Coventry

...we discovered the canal.  So lucky the weather was good and we enjoyed a walk .  

Here are some pics, I hope you’ll enjoy seeing them. 

Tuesday 7 November 2017

They say that Inspiration can appear in all sorts of places....

......even on a wet bathmat!

But can you see what I see?

Okay let me help you out...

(I think I can even see a dolphin at his feet, 
but I reckon the dog is enough imagination for one bathmat)

I even drew it