
Thursday, 17 January 2019

Completed painting...

Well, I got the painting finished from the previous posts video


"Sailing in at Sunset"

Added this to a canvas - completed with clear wax medium to protect the gouache
I'll be putting this little beauty on my shop 



Christine said...

Wow, it is lovely!

Eileen H said...

That is really beautiful Ann!

Judy said...

I love your gouaches! How is working with gouache compared to watercolour in your opinion?

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Christine, Eileen, and Robin. 🙂

ann @ studiohyde said...

Judy, I find it very similar to watercolour when I add water in proportions I'm used to, and this dilutes the gouache. I've had to practise to stop myself adding too much water, it's my default mode 🤣

Once I got the hang of it, I find it an easy medium to use. It's made me step out of my comfort zone, but found I can paint light onto dark and darks onto lights, fun. I like the chalky finish too. White is used a lot - Zinc white for mixing. Permanent White for highlights. I'll still have watercolour as my main choice, but at the moment I'm enjoying gouache just to see what I can achieve with it.

Judy said...

Ann, the gouaches look amazing, and I like the chalky finish too. Have fun!

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Judy...I have a new blogpost coming up today with some more gouache work. I really enjoy using gouache, but my tendency is still there to paint transparently, I am overcoming it though, lol.