After the Winter break from Lynmouth, I am back there this week. It makes sense to have a rest from it over winter time. There are fewer visitors for one thing, but also the weather plays a part. Lynmouth is in a gorge, definitely a no go for driving if it happens to be icy.
This week there were lots of visitors, it’s half term here, so it was manic with parents and children. Even so, a lot of people stopped to chat to me. Some just pass the time of day and others ask about my paintings. They also ask about techniques. Think in all, I seem to do what could be described as a Walk In Tutorial, they go away happy with some painting insights they weren’t aware of, hopefully encouraged to pick up a sketchbook and pen, then do a 10 minute sketch each day. Meanwhile during the day I continue with the painting on the easel.
Back in the studio, I have several paintings that are considered a Work-in-Progress, a bit frustrating having to wait for them to dry. Worth the wait though. When I look at them after a few weeks, I can see where I need to work on them. Another method I use is to store them for drying upside down. That way, if I happen to glance at them, I’m not getting used to constantly seeing the scene I’ve painted. When I get around to them again, I turn them back the right way up and That’s when I see them A Fresh.
This is now waiting to dry and I’ll get back to it in a few weeks …Click the image for the video
Title: “Seeing is Believing on Exmoor”
Boy, are you BRAVE!!! (Painting/talking in front of people!!!!)
I’m rather introvert, so it’s a miracle I do this! If there was a crowd, it would definitely not be happening, but I only get one or two at a time, that I can cope with. Plus the subject helps as I can rabbit on for ages about painting, and I only say what I know about and have done myself, no bs, lol. It also helps that peoples focus is on the painting, I can hide behind the easel 🤣
I agree with Robin - very brave!! I've tried the occasional quick sketch outdoors, but a proper painting is another thing all together. And I love your idea of standing your paintings upside down so you don't get to see the real picture until you're ready to. Great tip!!!
Thank you John. I always felt nervous painting with people around, but then I realised that, most often, nobody sees the completed painting at the time. I usually have them as a work-in-progress and finalise them at home.
I haven't really painted outside, but I have sketched, and it's very disconcerting to have people come up behind me and make me jump by suddenly speaking to me.
I’ve had that too, but now try to find a place where people can’t walk behind. Although saying that, at Lynmouth I have no choice. The area where I paint is small, so it is limiting for people to gather (that, or they would all fall down the stairs)! I was there today and one couple even bought one of my paintings (I’d only taken it over for display this morning)…it was nice to meet the people who will enjoy it :)
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