
Monday 4 February 2013

Desktop Scribble Pad

Not sure what to call this idea.....Desktop Scribble Pad seems fairly appropriate.  You see, my workspace has a side table to it, this is where I jot down notes and do quick sketches.  Over time it has ended up a bit messy from paint and pen marks, so in the end I decided to actually make that work for me and turned it into a place especially for scribbles, notes, ideas etc.

I bought a roll of white paper and just cut it to the size I require, tape it down and away I go.

as you see, I use it a lot!

When I feel it has enough mess on it,  I cut it up into pieces to use in my sketchbook/journals as backgrounds

Then I put a nice new piece of paper down

and start all over again

from the beginning!

Hope you all have a 

good week


CJ Kennedy said...

What a great idea!

Laura said...

What a lovely idea to use these as backgrounds. I used this idea when my son was younger at halloween party time. I covered the dinning table and let the kids loose to draw all halloweeny things, bats, spiders, etc. They loved the idea of indirectly drawing on the furniture. :-)

ann @ studiohyde said...

Glad you like it CJ :)

ann @ studiohyde said...

I can just imagine your kids excitement at being able to draw like that, great idea.

Sadami said...

Hi, Ann,
I love your art activities.
Me,too, use the same paper! One is rolled one and another is A1 pads. It's nice and no regret to make messes!!
Cheers, Sadami

ann @ studiohyde said...

I agree with you Sadami, having the paper out on the work surface does give a freedom for working.

Dan Kent said...

Well that is mighty neat! I would use post-it notes, scrap paper, etc., but I like this better.

ann @ studiohyde said...

...Yay! glad you like this :)

Cris, Oregon Artist said...

Well aren't you clever.. I usually just put newspaper down and then toss it away. This way is more fun.

Jane said...

Like Laura this is what I used to do when my kids were small and we had birthday parties, but never thought of doing it myself, what a great idea ! Wish you a nice week too !

Sandy Sandy Art said...

You always have the best (and most fun) ideas, ANN!

robin cox walsh said...

Another 'great minds think alike' moment! (My 'waste' papers come out better than my intentional art!)

Judy said...

Hi Ann, I am in the middle of my move and slowly loosing my mind:) But I had to comment on this great idea! I think I will use it for my future painting room:)

ann @ studiohyde said...

...I've only done this for a few months, but it was one of those eureka moments when I suddenly came up with it, LOL.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Hi Jane, It is funny how we come up with ideas for the kiddies and forget about ourselves...glad you like this :)

ann @ studiohyde said...

Aww, Thanks Sandy, glad you like it :)

ann @ studiohyde said...

...Funny how that happens, I get some great sketches this way, but when I go to 'properly' do them, they're rubbish!! lol.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Hi Judy, I wondered how you were doing. Chin up and keep at it, moves can be very stressful but so worth it in the end. Glad you like this idea for your new painting room :)

carol l mckenna said...

What a wonderful idea ~ Wondering if you said why kind of paper you use on the table? ~ Very creative ^_^

Carol of: (A Creative Harbor) ^_^ on blogger

ann @ studiohyde said...

Glad you like this idea Carol. The paper is just basic roll of white from the supermarket, often found in the kiddies section or crafts. It is lighter in weight than card stock but not real thin either, just really useful to have for all sorts of arty crafty type stuff - oh, and the roll is about 1 ft wide.

Christine said...

what a wonderful idea, this might work for me! I love the idea of 'no waste'

Shammickite said...

That's a great idea. I have a big roll of white paper that would be perfect for the job. Still messing around with my paints and have just found out that my art teacher will be offering a course in Colour theory starting in April, I will definitely be signing up!

John (JWJarts) said...

Great idea Ann. It made me think of the large A2 blotter I used to have on my desk at work. Some of my greatest masterpieces were doodled there. lol.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Good, glad this is a useful tip for you Christine, I like to use everything I can without throwing it away too.

ann @ studiohyde said...

I wondered how you were doing with the painting. The colour theory sounds a great one, you gain so much with that knowledge under your belt.

ann @ studiohyde said...

There is something so good about a large piece of paper that can take 'any thoughts and ideas', funny how they are always the really good ones :)

bohemiannie! art said...

Girl...your scribbles will make beautiful journal pages!!!

Mary said...

You have the best, most creative ideas ever! Love this. :) Blank paper is a treasure.. especially in your hands.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Ahh, Thanks annie! :)

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks so much Mary, I love starting with a blank sheet :)


brilliant! I'm going to do this.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Chris, glad you like this idea enough to give it a go too.

anopensketchbook said...

Such a good idea! And a very happy workspace to boot!

ann @ studiohyde said...

Glad you like it - I definitely find this helps with the creative flow :)


great for brianstorming ann the way you cut it up and keep it at the end