
Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Chicken and the rabbit

There I was sitting in the car waiting for husband to finish a grocery shop (I dislike shopping) usually I sketch whilst waiting for him.  Then, I spotted a Chicken and a Rabbit.  Can you see them?

here's a close up... perhaps not exactly a chicken and a rabbit!

- perhaps I should have gone shopping after all, lol -


CJ Kennedy said...

Too fun. I'm glad you did a closeup because I was looking for the critters in the building. :-D

Shammickite said...

Oh deary me... first it's William in the bath mat, now it's livestock in the foliage.... I'm beginning to worry!

alarmcat said...

Should we be worried about you, Ann?? First, it was William on the bath mat, now, rabbits and chickens??

:) just kidding…i see the chicken and the rabbit, too!!

ann @ studiohyde said...

....but did you see them? lol.

ann @ studiohyde said...

You should be worried....I'm worried...but not as worried as my husband is, lol :-)

ann @ studiohyde said...

...Yes, you should be....Shammickite said the same thing. I need to go have a rest now, lol ;)
Very glad you saw them too though Sue :-)

Anonymous said...

ha ha, yes yes I see it, the question is " why do we see it"!!!! With me its clouds, I see the strangest things in clouds, don't worry , you are perfectly sane, take it from me, the one who see's horses in clouds, you're fine,

Cris, Oregon Artist said...

Scary...but I spotted them right away, but I see a chicken and a squirrel sitting up on it of course that's the screne I see daily out my windows tho. :))) did you sketch them?? :))

Cris, Oregon Artist said...

By the way..what are those buildings? I looks a little like Paris there. :)

ann @ studiohyde said...

That's it Laurie M, I see things in clouds too. I saw a baby elephant the other day!!! - well, I would wouldn't I.

ann @ studiohyde said...

I know Cris, I wondered if it was a squirrel too...but the rabbit theory won, lol. No, I didn't sketch them, by the time I had taken the photos, husband was back with the shopping :-)

ann @ studiohyde said...

The buildings are flats/apartments...this is a Victorian town with a lot of large buildings like this.

Faye said...

So funny, Ann. I saw therm too! I also do not like to shop now. I used to love to. I don't know what's happened.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Glad you saw them as well Faye. As for shopping, I think for me it's all the people you have to battle your way through that gets to me, lol.

Down by the sea said...

It's your artist eye seeing things in a different way! Sarah x

Pia Drent said...

:) yes I see them, and I see a lovely town with beautiful weather, lucky you

Joan Tavolott said...

LOL I do see them! Love the summerhouse and the view below!!

Dartford Warbler said...

Yes, I saw them! I expect you are always seeing animals and faces in the clouds too...?!

ann @ studiohyde said...

I suppose it is Sarah :-)

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks's a very old town. Gradually there are newer modern buildings appearing, I guess places need a mixture of different eras :-)

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Joan :-)

ann @ studiohyde said...

That's right DW, I do see these things in clouds, lol :-)

robin cox walsh said...

Of course we see them! We're artists after all! ;)

Judy said...

:) I see them too!

ann @ studiohyde said...

LOL....we see things where others don't :-)

ann @ studiohyde said...

Good....that confirms my suspicions...We're Artists, like Robin has said :-)