
Monday, 20 October 2014

Fungi sketches

From my previous post, I have now sketched some of the fungi....I enjoyed this first sketch the most

as it gave me a chance to use opaque and transparent watercolours in layers.  Yes, I used both on one

piece of work, it worked for me and gave the look I wanted to achieve....whether this breaks 'the

rules of watercolouring' I don't know, I just go on instinct most of the time ....


CJ Kennedy said...

The top pic looks good enough to eat. Are these edible mushrooms? My Uncle knew how to tell if mushrooms in the wild were good to eat.

ann @ studiohyde said...

I don't think it is edible, although I couldn't be 100% sure. I tend to think of them all as inedible, unless they are a label in the supermarket saying Mushroom, lol ;)

Mary said...

Rules for watercoloring!? I say break 'em all you want. These are lovely!

ann @ studiohyde said...

Lol....thanks Mary I'll do that :-)

Christine said...

very nice sketches!

Joan Tavolott said...

Go for it and if it is a rule don't hesitate to break it. LOL Great job on these. That one white fungus looks like a lacy flower. Lovely photos.

robin cox walsh said...

Rules? WHat are rules? These are lovely.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Christine :-)

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Joan, I think rules are there to be broken aren't they, lol.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Robin...I'm obviously a rebel. lol ;)

Debbie Nolan said...

Dear Ann - your sketches are so neat - isn't it great fun to find something outdoors that makes a great subject. Looks like you did these right where they grew. As for the transparent versus the opaque - didn't know there was a rule! Looks good to me so I sure wouldn't concern myself - my motto is whatever works - stick with it! Hugs

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Debbie....It is good to find these things to sketch. I only sketched the last picture, roughly in my travel sketchbook, but the others I did at home. Didn't matter though, as having seen them in real life, I was able to use that plus the photos for the painting. Enjoyed it all :-)

Down by the sea said...

Lovely sketches Ann, they look so like the original plants. Sarah x

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Sarah :-)