
Wednesday, 22 October 2014

It's all about SHAPES

Shapes...okay so I'm going to say that word a few times here....

Everything is a Shape...when you are drawing anything, look at it carefully and decide what that shape is.  Keep in mind that some things are just one shape, but some are a combination of shapes put together.  

Remember the kids toys when you put a triangle brick into the triangle gap, etc...think about those when you look at your subject.   For instance when I'm drawing William, I had initially asked myself what shapes I saw.  From my example, you can see I've broken it down to basics.....


robin cox walsh said...

Now that’s talent! Even with just simple block shapes you still manage to make it recognizable as William!

Shammickite said...

You must have been talking to my art teacher.... he advocates breaking everything down into shapes too.
Thanks for your comments on my Newfoundland posts. When I post some of my coastal pictures, you'll see why it reminds me so much of N Devon.

CJ Kennedy said...

When said like that, takes the fear out of drawing

ann @ studiohyde said...

Oh thanks....I just see Shapes, lol :-)

ann @ studiohyde said...

Well, it's what everything comes down to. With those Shapes, you can then use it as the form from which to adjust it to the chosen subject. Even if your original 'Shapes' seem indistinguishable in the end......hope this helps you :-)

I'm loving the photos from your trip :-)

ann @ studiohyde said...

Remember CJ......"No Fear" :-)

Christine said...

Thanks for the observation.

Em Parkinson said...

I like this little sketch in its own right!

ann @ studiohyde said...

cheers Christine :-)

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Em, I thought it had a cave-like quality, lol :-)

Debbie Nolan said...

Dear Ann - what a great tip. It really does make drawing something easier. Thanks for sharing.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Debbie :-)