
Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Sketches from Bournemouth

Our visit to Bournemouth inevitably means I sketch...

that's after I have tried to decide what supplies to take with me, which are usually too many...

 added to that Bournemouth happens to have The Range

so I go in and buy even more supplies!  ...(I think I need help)..

anyway, on to the sketches............

(no I didn't drink that much!)

Kettle etc in the hotel room

Jacket on chair

Random shoppers in Poole

Shoppers in Poole

Snoozing husband!


CJ Kennedy said...

Your sketchbook makes me smile especially sleepy hubby

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks CJ, he made a very good subject as he stayed still (except for the snoring) lol.

Christine said...

beautiful sketches!

Joan Tavolott said...

Great sketches from your trip!!! I really like the one of the shoppers in Poole and your hubby napping. You did well sketching still subjects and moving subjects!

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Joan :-)

robin cox walsh said...

Cute sketches.....especially the Hubs! ;)

Bronson Hill Arts said...

Feels like we were there with you, Ann! Wonderful sketches.


Eileen H said...

Your sketches are really good, you see images to sketch everywhere.
I'm sure your hubby now expects you to sketch him asleep :)

Pat said...

Great sketches, Ann. And how I love The Range too ;-) xx

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Robin, that was the easiest one, from the angle I was sketching I got a perfect profile outline to follow :-)

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Barb :-)

ann @ studiohyde said...

He does, lol :-)

ann @ studiohyde said...

Glad someone else likes the Range too, I can be lost in that place for ages and still not see it all, lol :-)

Jane said...

A whole little story in those sketches , almost like being there, well done ! The snoring husband is awesome :-)))

Marielle Collins said...

I love your sketches!

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Jane, the snoring isn't as attractive as it sounds, lol ;)

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Marielle :-)

Debbie Nolan said...

Dear Ann - all of these sketches are super - especially like the one of the snoozing hubby. Wonder if he knew he was getting captured by you?

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Debbie, and no hubby didn't know I was sketching him, made sketching him so much more fun, lol.