
Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Revisiting the Valley of Rocks

I know this is a place I've blogged about before.  Living fairly near it, we tend to go in that direction from time to's worth the drive.  And, I always end up sketching the same scene...well, who wouldn't.  From a distance the main Rock formation looks small(ish), but when people walk around and stop at the top, then you get to appreciate the scale of the place.

Again, of course, I have done a quick sketch....very painterly this time and not detailed



Anonymous said...

its such a unique rock formation and you captured it beautifully!

CJ Kennedy said...

You have the most beautiful scenery in your area

John (JWJarts) said...

That's an interesting rock formation Ann, and you've captured it very well. Your post reminds me that one of my goals for this year (I don't call them resolutions - lol) is to include people in my work. People must be just about the best source of scale that we can use.

Christine said...

interesting rock there. and nice sketch.

Shammickite said...

Familiar views indeed. Did you see any of the mountain goats that run up and down the rocks?

Joan Tavolott said...

Glad you are doing a little exploring to start of 2015...nice painting and nice views here and below!

robin cox walsh said...

Very interesting rock formation (I must be very tired! On the close up picture I see a row of faces........) Nite nite! :-/

Victor Errington said...

Lovely Photograph's and lovely sketch Ann. All the best.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Laurie :-)

ann @ studiohyde said...

Yes, it is lovely here, and we appreciate it every day.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Good to have goals instead of resolutions John. I agree with you, people in drawings make the scale realistic.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Christine :-)

ann @ studiohyde said...

Somehow I thought you would know this place, lol. Yes, we did see goats, but it was as we were driving back up the valley towards the town....they were on the left next to the cricket pitch, loads of them...should have been ready with my camera, doh! I'll get them next time :-)

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Joan....I intend to sketch more on our trips out and around.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Just taken a look at that close-up, and I can see them too!!! I know that 'faces' are something you have to watch out for when doing paintings, as rocks so often end up with a face...perhaps that's because there IS a face there already though! ;)

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks very much Vic :-)

Shammickite said...

The first time I remember going to the V of the R was on my first honeymoon.... yes, that's right, I was only 4, my cousin from London and his new wife spent their honeymoon staying with my parents, and they took me everywhere with them!!!

ann @ studiohyde said...

Aww, they must have loved having you with them :-)

Anonymous said...

You nailed the picture take and the art work.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Carolann :-)