A bit of fun, but this turned out to be an interesting experiment,
and you never know what design or pattern you will end up with.
So, this is what I did...
with some scrunched up paper (the glossy magazine kind is best)
or just use a tissue scrunched up...
either option is good, and just dab it quickly on the paint
then take something small like a bottle top and hold it on the painting....
and paint around the outside with some dark paint...
when you lift that off you have a planet...
then I just blended the edges a bit and
splattered white for more planets in the galaxy...
although I do wonder if
I have a problem
when the Shape I see in one exercise
looked a bit like a
Or am I becoming a bit
very dramatic effect!!
you've discovered the Lurcher Galaxy!!
Love your astronomical watercolours.
Must give that a try.
Sue x
Cute! I LOVE the planet one.
That's it Sue, who'd have thought there was one of those! lol
Thanks Sue :-)
Thanks Christine :-)
Thank you for sharing your process! I am wondering how you made the handmade purslane bound sketchbook.
That is so cool! and you found the Dog Galaxy!
I know CJ, I should have guessed it was out there somewhere. lol :-)
Hi Ann, I made the sketchbook with my Zutter Bind-it-All machine. If you check out the following link you will see it...
and I have to say it is really useful. You can also check out Youtube for videos showing how to use it.
I think you discovered a kind of Rorschach test, there must be a psychological explanation for what you see, lol!
I love the planet ones! And .... I see a familiar lurcher too....
Lol...yes I see what you mean. I was playing with paint and tried dabbing it with a tissue, then I remembered years ago our son doing some spray painting and he masked off an area for a planet...never thought it would work in a million years by using a bottle top!!! what a surprise, and it was fun because I didn't know what the end results would look like. I am glad I found 'that lurcher' though, hilarious result :-)
What a wonderful piece, Ann! And, didn't you realize that Lurcher was his own constellation?
Is Lurcher in space now??? Great idea for a piece!
I've been so busy with my workshop, but have made a point to add a post about what we did and what I learned each day...but no time for sketching.
No, not obsessive, just creative! :D
I should have realised something like that Barb, lol :-)
If you have been too busy to sketch then that means you have been enjoying your workshop...looking forward to seeing your post about it all :-)
I like that theory Robin :-)
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