
Wednesday, 22 April 2015

An Award and an update on Awards from my perspective.

I guess everyone who Blogs has come across AWARDS, those given by other bloggers.

All very nice, but it got a bit too much at one time.  Every time I turned around there was an Award (lovely as they are). The time consuming part being that you find 10 other bloggers to forward to and add 7 facts about yourself. Hence, I then added an AWARD FREE ZONE notice on my blog.

So it came as a surprise when I received a Versatile Blogger Award today and then an email from the Giver of the Award to apologise as it hadn't been realised that I was in fact an Award Free Zone!  

The thing is I am really pleased that Judy over at dedraadaquaellen took the trouble to stop by and send me an Award.  Her comment to me was it: 'showed her appreciation' for my blog and how she enjoys it.   How can any blogger Not be delighted to receive that comment.  Accordingly we have emailed each other about these Awards and I have seen that if someone wants to thank us then that is a huge compliment. Although, if the whole Award thing gets out of hand then my notice might well resurface... it is for now I say THANKS JUDY I'm really pleased you like reading my blogs.


Judy said...

You are so welcome, well deserved, Ann! :)
And I share your thoughts about awards. That is why I have not followed the rules and only nominated two blogs instead of ten.

ann @ studiohyde said...

I'm sure others would feel the same as us about the whole nominating thing Judy :-)

Christine said...

congrats Ann!

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Christine :-) said...

Enjoy the well deserved award, Ann. Judy shows not only good taste, but good sense as well by only nominating two.

I agree about it getting too much because what with Facebook, Instagram and our regular blogs, most of us don't have time.
I have always enjoyed and understood your bottom comment... for comments! too busy painting!!!

robin cox walsh said...

Congrats! :)

ann @ studiohyde said...


ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Julie, I'm glad you can see what I meant in my post about getting caught up with the nominating thing. :-)