
Sunday 29 September 2019

Something random....

Not Art today, but thought I'd add this random find.

Recently we were staying in Dorset and took a drive along to Studland via Swanage.

Saw this SIGN on a gateway.

Ummm!  wonder if it's true or just something added as interest.



robin cox walsh said...

Just the universe sharing its 'random bits of useless information'......just like ME! (Family accuses me of doing this allll the time, lol!)

CJ Kennedy said...

Very cool!

Eileen H said...

I had a look on the Ancestry site and there was a Mary Summers born in Swanage living in Studland, she's on the 1861 census. Who knows if that's her or not but it would be nice if it was right. I'd love to go back in time and ask the question :)

Judy said...

The gorgeous view behind the gate looks like a watercolour! But the sign is puzzling.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Robin......obviously I have the same problem!!! 🤣

CJ Kennedy.....Thanks, yes, thought it was worth a share 🙂

Eileen.....clever you looking her name up. Reckon this must be correct then, as there wouldn't have been as many houses in Studland as there are nowadays (and there aren't that many now!). I had a very enjoyable bike ride from that gateway all the way down to the end of Studland, where it stops before the water and a ferry over to Sandbanks.

Judy....yes, the views are gorgeous down there.