Friday 16 July 2021

A random photo

I get to chat with a lot of visitors over at Arlington Court when I'm plein air painting. 

I'm guessing they take a lot of photos but I've rarely seen any of me painting.

That is until this week when a picture of me popped up in a local Facebook group....

(photo courtesy: Keith Maynard facebook)

I hadn't noticed someone taking photos, but when I'm in the painting zone anything could be happening around me and I'd be oblivious! 



Eileen H said...

It's nice that you've seen Keith's photo of you painting and good of him to share it on Facebook. It's a very good photo too, you must be chuffed.

Marie Smith said...

This is a great photo!

ann @ studiohyde said...

Eileen....Yes, I'm really pleased with the photo. A bit of a shock when I saw it in the local facebook group though 🤣

Marie....Thanks Marie. Having contacted the photographer, I was very pleased he was happy for me to share it.