
Saturday 16 October 2021

Part 1 video on my youtube channel

Okay, so if you want to sit back and see this video, I suggest you make a cuppa - put your feet up and hope you'll enjoy.   

I managed to (not only remember to video) but set up my iPhone and record my painting process at Arlington Court the other day.  A challenge in itself, as I kept getting interrupted by visitors - but not complaining, that's what it is all about - visitors enjoy seeing something different and an artist at work often brings people to a stand still - they chat and hopefully I impart some useful painting info to them.  

....(as ever, click the image below ↴ - it all begins with a blank canvas)

Now to wait for this - part 1 - of the process to dry

Thursday 14 October 2021

Finding inspiration

 My recent bike ride into Barnstaple was well worth it.  Not only for the exercise, but I also love riding my bike.  Yes, it is electric, and some people say that is cheating because you don't have to peddle - Ha! if only  - you actually have to keep peddling  ðŸš´‍♀️  if not, it shuts down and believe me it is really difficult to peddle.   

An added bonus to riding along the Tarka Trail (apart from not having to cope with traffic) is being able to stop when I see something to photograph.  The other day it was this view of the estuary.  Wow! you wouldn't believe how flat the water was, like glass with the clouds reflected.   

 ~ if you click the image, there a short video clip ~

I will definitely be making these view a painting some day soon.

Monday 11 October 2021

Back to Etsy

Busy restocking my online shop on Etsy recently.  

Although I hadn't actually 'closed' the shop, I put it on a back burner for a few months this year.   When you read and watch other artists online, they go on about having your own website, so in the end I gave in and opened one.  I listed a lot of paintings, then added them to the usual social media sites, Instagram/Twitter/Facebook groups etc etc, but the response was so slow and in the end decided to close it.    

Hence, now I am restocking my Etsy shop and adding some new works.  I have a few in the studio at the moment that are waiting to dry - Oil paintings take time to dry and I won't rush adding them online if they aren't ready to send out.  

and I will keep you up to date here on the blog about latest works being added

Tuesday 5 October 2021

Indifferent weather

That time of year, the weather is to say the least very unpredictable at the moment - so my plein air painting visits to Arlington Court have to be 'adapted' to say the least.  On my journey there, I went through mist/fog (again) - to dry - to sunny and back to fog - then it even showered.  Finally, on arriving at


it was too cold to be standing about painting.

There is a back-up plan though.  I was able to set up my easel in the Exhibition/bookshop room, at least it was dry and reasonably warm (I kept my coat on).

I had previously taken a photo of the scene I wanted to paint - plus I have done some little 'studies' of the scene...

here's the reference

(glad I took this photo - although I don't adhere to it strictly for the painting, it does at least give me the basic elements I need)

My previous little studies...

these help a lot

I recently bought a leather-bound sketchbook with a lots of pages, looking forward to using this - and I also prepared all the pages too - some with pva and some with gesso - some of those pages I left as is, but others I have toned with various colours....the idea is, when I have a scene that needs a particular background tone, I'm ready to use it.

Click the image below - a quick clip of the pages in this sketchbook

and I've already started using it

These all helped with the painting yesterday...

this is a close-up of it on the easel (the clips on the side are where it was attached to the pochade/easel)

I've added a fuller version to my Youtube channel - so if you want to see this just click this link  ←

For now the painting is drying, which will take a week or so - then I'll decide what need tweaking.