
Tuesday, 5 April 2022

An accolade

I get painting inspiration all over the place and at odd times.  Some people have asked me to paint a specific scene, but other times (and mostly) I choose scenes myself to paint -  these vary considerably from landscapes to seascapes to pets...the list goes on.   And sometimes, quite out of the blue, I see an image and think "I've got to paint that", it's like a bolt out of the blue moment and I can't ignore it.  The paints are out faster than I can say Paint!

This happened recently when I read a fellow bloggers post.  LG had added a memory of a little dog they had owned, now over the rainbow bridge.  But seeing the photo of this beloved pet, I knew I had to do a painting.  I got my watercolours out this time, and simply sketched the photo image and then added watercolour.  A quick impression of this adorable little dog, and the outcome was as I hoped.

Let me jump back slightly here - some time ago I did a painting of a friends horse, didn't tell her but put the image online where I knew she would see it.  Sort of expected a reaction, but No Nothing. She had seen it too, because there had been a 'Like' to the image, but she didn't comment about it being like her horse....So that told me, I hadn't hit the mark with that one, and goes to show that sometimes you just don't quite get the pet right.

Hence, I hadn't said anything to LG  about doing a painting of her little dog - after all, when someone does a painting of a loved pet no longer with us, the outcome could be very disappointing.  I thought it best to simply add the drawing online, and see if there was a comment.   And there was.  LG commented that it was just like her little dog!   There you go, her reaction was heartfelt and for me it confirmed that I had got it right.   

I messaged back to LG, saying Yes, it was from an image of her little dog and offered her the painting.  After all, I hadn't arranged to paint it for her, so it wasn't a Commission piece.  

It is now with her in the USA and I'm delighted that she loves it.   Even more delighted that she added this on her facebook page:


 ~ For me, this makes painting such a joy ~



robin cox walsh said...


~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

It was such a lovely and kind gesture, and I know that LG loved it and was so touched by your thoughtfulness. And I cannot imagine your ever "missing the mark" in your work. I think "they" perhaps did. ❤

Eileen H said...

That's a lovely story of how much your painting of the little dog was spot on and was very much appreciated and will be treasured. I can testify how much your acts of kindness mean especially when our much loved pets are no longer with us. Maybe just maybe you have more experience painting dogs than horses :)

ann @ studiohyde said...

awww Thanks Robin πŸ™‚

Kim....Thanks, that's nice of you to say πŸ™‚

Eileen....Kind of you to say, I'm always relieved when a painting is enjoyed - I get so much pleasure from painting them you wouldn't believe πŸ™‚