After the Winter break from Lynmouth, I am back there this week. It makes sense to have a rest from it over winter time. There are fewer visitors for one thing, but also the weather plays a part. Lynmouth is in a gorge, definitely a no go for driving if it happens to be icy.
This week there were lots of visitors, it’s half term here, so it was manic with parents and children. Even so, a lot of people stopped to chat to me. Some just pass the time of day and others ask about my paintings. They also ask about techniques. Think in all, I seem to do what could be described as a Walk In Tutorial, they go away happy with some painting insights they weren’t aware of, hopefully encouraged to pick up a sketchbook and pen, then do a 10 minute sketch each day. Meanwhile during the day I continue with the painting on the easel.
Back in the studio, I have several paintings that are considered a Work-in-Progress, a bit frustrating having to wait for them to dry. Worth the wait though. When I look at them after a few weeks, I can see where I need to work on them. Another method I use is to store them for drying upside down. That way, if I happen to glance at them, I’m not getting used to constantly seeing the scene I’ve painted. When I get around to them again, I turn them back the right way up and That’s when I see them A Fresh.
This is now waiting to dry and I’ll get back to it in a few weeks …Click the image for the video
Title: “Seeing is Believing on Exmoor”