
Wednesday 2 January 2013

Sketchbook Project 2013

Time to send off my Sketchbook Project to the Brooklyn Art Library where my little book will join thousands on a journey with their travelling library.

Before posting and sending it on its way, I thought I would give you a look at it....

This is Part One  (there are a number of pages, so I will be splitting this into two posts)

Firstly, I had to decide on a subject.   For those who know how much I sketch our lurcher I guess you will realise that William has been the subject chosen...

so here goes...

I kept the left hand pages for writing and the right hand ones for
the drawings.

Also decided not to be too precious with the pages and just
enjoy them adding little extras along the way a seagull every so often plus other seaside bits and pieces...

That's it so far

I will show you the rest in Part Two

next week




alarmcat said...

so favorite is the last one...where he is hiding so as not to take a shower!

i see that you have added watercolor sheets to the sketchbook. i've heard that the paper is very thin...not good for watercolors. i see you've found a good solution.

can't wait to see part 2!!

Unknown said...

That looks smashing Ann. We look forward to part 2. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

Lynn Cohen said...

Ann, this is absolutely delightful and would make a lovely childrens book. You might consider self publishing it! Your paintings of Wm are precious.

Joan Tavolott said...

This is great!!! It would make such an adorable children's book.

My sketchbook for the project isn't finished yet. I'd better get busy! I think I have 2 double page spreads left to do.


ann @ studiohyde said...

Hi alarmcat - yes, the paper is thin, they are like Boy Scout notebooks, so the paper is basic. For 2012 I used acrylic paint, but have gone for watercolours this time (incidentally I am going to spray each page with a cheap hairspray to help seal the paint) - hence decided to use slightly better paper glued in place first. So pleased I decided to do that. The book doesn't exceed the 1" depth either...phew!

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Molly - Can't wait for next week to show the completed book :)

ann @ studiohyde said...

Ahh, Thanks so much Lynn. I'm not sure about the self publishing bit, I heard from a fellow blogger (cough) that it was a bit of a nightmare!! lol :)

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks very much Joan. Lynn thought it would make a childrens book too!
Hope you get your double pages completed - blog post them...please!

Dartford Warbler said...

I agree with Joan and Lynn. William`s sketchbook could be the basis of a lovely book for children. You have captured his character and his sense of mischief so beautifully.

anopensketchbook said...

I LOVE IT! This is such a sweet take on life with William!! The hands that have the opportunity to flip through your book are very lucky!

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks so much. He is fun to sketch :)

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thank you so much. I do hope people will enjoy reading it :)

Cris, Oregon Artist said...

This is ADORABLE! I second, third or whatever it on publishing it as a children's book. Its wonderful. I did some cute little drawings of our Border Collies antics some time ago and posted them. I should polish them up some. Love how you added the watercolor paper.. What weight did you use?

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Cris, seems that I need to look at doing something with a book. I enjoyed these drawings . The paper was 140lb, not paper.

Mary said...

Oh i adore it! All of it! It's absolutely splendid. And of course your subject is wonderful, huggable and sweet! :)

bohemiannie! art said...

Aw Ann...this is simply adorable. I'm thrilled that the world will see it...hands on! William is precious...especially hiding behind the shower curtain.

robin cox walsh said...

I didn’t know you were participating again this year! William is the PERFECT subject! Your pages will bring smiles to all those lucky enough to see them! <3

Unknown said...

I think it's great your book... thanks for sharing with us your bloggers, I look forward to see the second part, and also on the other hand, I wish you much happiness in 2013 and comes loaded with health, peace and love to you and your family.

Jane said...

Awesome and sweet ! Love it Ann, it's fun and I agree with everybody else above on a children's book ! xx

ann @ studiohyde said...

Ahh, Thank you Mary...I'll pass on a hug to William from you :)

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks so much annie! :)

ann @ studiohyde said...

Yep, I'm in there again...Glad you like it Robin :)

ann @ studiohyde said...

Many Thanks Mayra and all Good Wishes for 2013 to you and yours :)

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Jane:) Does look like a children's book idea will have to be looked into. Thanks for the encouragement :)

Judy said...

Yes, William is a great subject! I love the little drawings on the left pages, they make it just perfect!

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks so much Judy :)

Sadami said...

Dear Ann & William,
Happy New Year! Your "picture books" are wonderful. They successfully convey the messages and depict scenes well in a simple way. Congrats!! Please keep up this project.
All the very best, Sadami

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thank you very much Sadami. Your comment is much appreciated :)

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Hello Ann & William! William is the most perfect subject! I so enjoy seeing your sketches of him because each one tells a little story and for me as the reader, it brings him to life! I know your book will be loved and enjoyed!

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Kim, It's nice to know when someone likes my sketches, makes it all worth doing :)

marilyn said...

I was not familiar with the Art Project but think it sounds like I should make a trip to the Big Apple!!! Just my kind of place. The book is charming and suitable for all ages and types like myself, a person owned by 7 cats and NO dogs ever in her life! Can't wait to see the second part. Surely someone in your area can guide you to an agent/publisher. Your talent is amazing.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Hi Marilyn, It is surprising the number of people I come across who haven't heard about the Art Project. It is fun to join in with and I would have loved to have visited the Tour when it came to the UK, the opportunity to see all the work other people have put into their books would be amazing, sadly I couldn't get to London when it was here, never mind, may be next time.
Not sure about an agent/publisher, sounds a bit scary to

Linda said...

Such cute pictures! Love the one with the shower curtain. My dog doesn't like his bath either.

Maria Emilia Moreira said...

Adorei visitar hoje o teu blog! Está fantástico. Humor...talento...criatividade...
Um abraço neste NOVO ANO.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Funny how our dogs will run in the sea (well, ours does) but doesn't like a bath! lol.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thank you Maria Emilia :)

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks nice that so many of you see a childrens book in this.
'Williams Adventures' how would that be for a title - no?, may be a bit bland or obvious!....although I do have some ideas for another story..perhaps I will work on it soon.

RaineyDewey said...

Ann, great book. Your drawings are charming and spontaneous. They make me smile. Love it! Rainey

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thank you so much Rainey, glad you like it. Hopefully I'll be posting the rest of the book tomorrow :)