
Friday, 24 April 2020

A little time out

At least a little breather in amongst all the paintings I’ve been doing lately.  Woke with a niggling headache, so chose my exercise today was to take the bike out.

Two-fold success, no actually three-fold infact....

1.  I got exercise on my bike

2.  I used the opportunity to take some reference photos for future paintings

3.   My headache lifted

Here are some of the photos

I also did some short clip videos which I've put together as a

Compilation of 3 so click here to view 


Eileen H said...

Lovely photos and I so enjoyed watching your video. Those new photos will keep you busy for a while.

robin cox walsh said...

Stunning views! You are so lucky to live there! ♥♥♥♥

ann @ studiohyde said...

Eileen....Thanks - I'm so pleased I finally realised a way to share the videos without it going straight onto blogger or using vimeo. The penny finally dropped aye ;)

Robin...It's a lovely part of the country I must admit. Although on a wet Tuesday in February, maybe not so! lol