
Sunday, 26 April 2020

Eventually I complete the work-in-progress..... I posted about 2 weeks ago!   Well, there have been other paintings in between, I haven't been idol.

here's the blogpost      ←click link  


I almost left it like this, I could have titled it something like:

'Rainy Day Through the Window'  
or something similar.   

But putting it back on the easel I knew there was some refining to do.  Strangely enough I didn't want to lose that fuzziness, but knew it was too 'out of focus' as it stood.

So I worked on it, off and on for a couple of hours and decided to stop where it was.  I've photographed it about 5 times, but believe me when I say, it looks better in person than in a me I'm an artist!


8" x 8" (20x20cm)


Eileen H said...

Your completed painting looks really good in the photo Ann. I like it as I can imagine William walking on the path :)
Just wondering if you are still managing to get your art supplies OK during the lockdown?

ann @ studiohyde said...

Hi Eileen....Thanks. This painting was very much an experiment in technique. A throw my toys out of the pram sort of thing...if it went wrong, it wouldn't matter. As it turns out, I'm fairly happy with the result, it has given me more ideas. Yes, I'm okay for art supplies. In fact I thought ahead and prior to Brexit (you remember that...although it seems to have been forgotten recently for some Virus taking centre stage)!.....but with Brexit, and as a lot of art supplies come from Europe (like Winsor and Newton paint) I got on and ordered a stash. Thank goodness I did, I can get on with painting. Oh...and I will be emailing you in a day or so.

Judy said...


ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks's a little different for me, but was nice to do :)

robin cox walsh said...

Lovely! Very 'Southern Plantation' charming. :D

ann @ studiohyde said...

Thanks Robin....yes, it has that vibe :)