
Friday, 17 April 2020

Sketching with Oil paint

Not always an obvious choice, sketching with Oil paint.  I find it useful, not only for reference use at some future point, but it also loosens up my work - small exercise in the midst of other artwork, particularly large pieces.  This oil sketch is 6x4 inch, a very useful little gem.

The subject is the Lake, part of the River Yeo on the Arlington Court estate, with a glimpse of a bridge pier, one of two that would have formed a suspension bridge over the river. The bridge never came to fruition, but the matching piers stand as a reminder of what could have been.  Sketching from a photo isn't ideal, but these days and in our current climate, it's the best alternative....

I did video this on Timelapse - hopefully the link will open for you....


robin cox walsh said...

I'm impressed! You make it look so easy! ♥♥♥♥

Eileen H said...

I enjoy watching your time lapse videos now, excellent Ann!

ann @ studiohyde said...

Robin.....practise that’s all 😉 pleased the link worked ok. Why I didn’t think to add videos like this before I just do not know. finally the penny dropped! 🤣