
Monday 4 January 2021

Art Panel and background

 The start of the painting is a bit of a process.  In fact more work goes into the 'Preparing' than the actual painting itself.

In this case, I'm Selecting the Art Panel and Choosing the background colour

I generally know what size art panel I want to use for any given subject, but sometimes there are decisions to be made on the tone of background needed.

Firstly, as you will see in the short clip, I went for a blue background, but then changed my mind, and went for magenta/pink.  That seems very BRIGHT for a background, but once the oil paint is on, the background will only show through slightly, whilst giving the overall painting a warm theme.  There is reason to my madness - the subject will have Cool colours, so the Warm tones will balance that out. 

It all makes sense - honestly!

Here's the video clip - me choosing the correct art panel and then the background colour 

 (all whilst trying to hold the iPhone to film  - sorry about the wobbles - as always click the pic)

I will be videoing the whole process through to a completed painting over the next week or so.



robin cox walsh said...

The 'prep' always takes longer than the actual project......such is life! ;)

ann @ studiohyde said...

Robin.....and I’m so keen to get on with the painting part! 🤯🤣

Shammickite said...

This sounds very ambitious... to hold the camera while trying to show us what you're doing. I'll keep checking in.

ann @ studiohyde said...

Shammickite....I have a very handy gadget that attaches to the table - I can twist the fitment to face where I need it and hence it keeps that part handsfree for me :)