Saturday 30 January 2021

A tweak or two later....

I started this painting some time back.  One of those pieces that I needed to have some "Thinking Time" for.  Somehow the paint moves about when it's drying (no not literally), but for some reason when you leave a painting and don't look at it in a while, you go back with fresh eyes and actually 'see' what needs to be improved on.  

That happened with this Oil painting, and I was pleased to see it didn't need much work - in fact very little tweaking, only a few adjustments here and there and now I can call this one finally completed.

Sunday 24 January 2021


We tend to not believe our eyes here, the weather can pretend to be okay...

just take a look...


Thursday 14 January 2021

In the days when we could travel

Oh my, is it really a year ago that we went to Penzance.  Little did we realise at the time that things would change so much.  The thought of going away for a short break seems a distant dream now and we really have no idea when those days will return.  They will, of course, but a lot is in the not knowing don't you think.

I had a very nice reminder of that trip to Penzance on my facebook newsfeed.  Seeing the photos took me back there on a trip down memory was worth the visit.   We had a lovely time plus I got to do some plein air painting.  As you will see from the image below, the sun was out, but Oh was it COLD, hence I'm wrapped up (and I was still freezing)....

I completed the painting indoors at our accommodation, that didn't matter, having spent time plein air I kept that with me, memory stayed in place as it were, and I was able to continue with the painting as though I was actually still there.   (Can you see the Diva in the photo above?...No, not me!!!).

completed painting....
and it 'Sold' as soon as I put it online.  That was a boost, as someone else can enjoy this scene and for me, even looking at the completed painting, I can remember every brush stroke - and no I didn't put the 'Diva' into the painting!

Sunday 10 January 2021

Oil on panel

Following on from last weeks post with me selecting an art panel and preparing it - I have now painted a snow scene.  Think it is easier to show you than me rambling on...

Here's a Speeded-Up version thanks to Timelapse - although there is no sound to this one....

(just click the pic)

However, if you would like to see a realtime video, with sound, that’s here....

(again, just click the pic)

The reason I chose a magenta pink ground for the painting is to get a warm vibe against all the snow - although most of the background is covered with Oil paint, that warm glow shows through. As I said in the video, I will be adding detail to this painting in a couple of weeks time, but not much, just a few 'tweaks' here and there.

Thursday 7 January 2021

Etsy shop

Admittedly I've said this before, but I have an Etsy shop - an Online Presence as they call it. 

I get on fine with being Admin of my shop, however every so often I take it upon myself to do a Slideshow of the current artworks in my shop.  This is where the fun starts and, probably because I don't often try slideshows, but each time I come back to them I've completely forgotten how to do one.  

For some reason the technology gets the better of me and I flounder about pressing random buttons.  I know there are handy little Apps for iPad/iphones but I really want to do this on the computer.   The other day I must have spent an hour going backwards and forwards, in the end I gave up.   Then I thought, I'm going to do this.  

So without further ado, here's my effort of a Slideshow - Plus - music....that was fun as I didn't want the generic music, enough said.   

(just click the pic below)

Wonder if I'll remember how to do this the next time!

Monday 4 January 2021

Art Panel and background

 The start of the painting is a bit of a process.  In fact more work goes into the 'Preparing' than the actual painting itself.

In this case, I'm Selecting the Art Panel and Choosing the background colour

I generally know what size art panel I want to use for any given subject, but sometimes there are decisions to be made on the tone of background needed.

Firstly, as you will see in the short clip, I went for a blue background, but then changed my mind, and went for magenta/pink.  That seems very BRIGHT for a background, but once the oil paint is on, the background will only show through slightly, whilst giving the overall painting a warm theme.  There is reason to my madness - the subject will have Cool colours, so the Warm tones will balance that out. 

It all makes sense - honestly!

Here's the video clip - me choosing the correct art panel and then the background colour 

 (all whilst trying to hold the iPhone to film  - sorry about the wobbles - as always click the pic)

I will be videoing the whole process through to a completed painting over the next week or so.
