
Monday 1 May 2023

Quick sketch

The views around us here in Devon are definitely paintings waiting to be tried.  However, the weather isn't always in our favour for stopping to plein air, so I try to use my 'memory' to recall the view later.  It is good practise as memory recall on views is an important part of painting, imho ;)

And is exactly what I did with this Ink & Watercolour using a postcard pad, which incidentally I've been using for some of the Dottie/Barney sketches recently (see my other blog).

Not an exactness, but pretty near...

Quite pleased with this as there's enough information for me to do an oil painting of it one day.


robin cox walsh said...

Just lovely! 😀

Eileen H said...

It's a lovely painting Ann!

ann @ studiohyde said...

ROBIN …..Thanks Robin, it was a good test for the memory :)

EILEEN..…Thanks so much Eileen :)

Debbie Nolan said...

Great job Ann. It should make a lovely oil painting also. Hope you are having a good week.

ann @ studiohyde said...

DEBBIE…. Thanks so much Debbie 🙂

John (JWJarts) said...

One thing about memory is ..... err! I've forgotten. Great sketch Ann. ;-)

ann @ studiohyde said...

JOHN…..I get that too! 🤣