Wednesday 24 June 2020

Oil on canvas board

I love this scene on our walk each day.  No wonder I end up painting it again and again trying to capture the feel of the day.  On this occasion there was a misty haze across the bay.  The sun had warmed the sand, it felt so lovely sinking our way down the dunes to the water.

 "Edge of Yearning" 

One of my large Winsor & Newton Canvas board pieces 

  now on my Etsy shop via link here:

This painting has now SOLD and will be on it's way to the USA...

Monday 15 June 2020

New kid on the block

Not in our house though.  Our son and future daughter-in-law have a puppy


William and Hamish haven't met him yet as inoculations have to be done first.

The cutest little chap - thought I would add some pics here

doesn't take me long to start sketching...

Tuesday 9 June 2020

In the background

I like to add my up to date paintings here and hope it doesn't bore the living whatnots out of you all -

However, I don't add everything here.  In the background I'm painting work for the National Trust at Arlington Court (yes, I do go on about this from time to time) but not all pieces get seen as I'm saving them up for an Exhibition there.

Of course, 2020 has surprised us all.  We should have had the vision to see this one coming!
(sorry, slight play on words and joke there - did you get it?!...okay, I'll help  "2020 Vision")

So, with the pandemic and things being Closed, it has also meant that building works at Arlington Court were put on hold.  This has knocked on to my Exhibition, as the space I would have used is going to remain being used for other things.  Next year it is then, she says with fingers crossed.

Regardless I continue painting - as if I would stop.  I have a painting on the easel done from photo reference at the moment, although I am very hopeful of getting back there to do some plein air painting soon.  National Trust properties are reopening again, albeit tentatively and not all properties are the same, so it's worth checking first before you think of visiting.  Arlington is opening with booked tickets for now, but doesn't include the House or Carriage Museum.  That said, there's plenty to see, it's a vast estate.  

Oil on art board
Title: "Elegant Simplicities"
5" x 7"

Saturday 6 June 2020

Sit awhile

There's a very nice bench to sit and surf watch on our walk.

This was a particularly High Tide as you see

Diggers have recently been building up some sand ready for
the Painted Ladies 
(beach huts - they're called Painted Ladies because they all have ladies names)

I think there is still some work to be done before the huts are put in place,
but have wondered if they will space them for social distancing?!

Here's a close-up of the prep work for them - if you look close in the centre of the photo you may be able to see a mound of sand 


If you want 1:12 of total chill time, 
then click the image below and enjoy

Tuesday 2 June 2020

No Obstacles in my Way

This view is in Donegal Ireland with a beautiful view and house

Wouldn't you just love to live there with that view

I'm going to title this painting


8x8 box canvas

and will be listed on my Etsy shop when the paint has dried.

Monday 1 June 2020

Photo inspiration

When you look at my previous blogpost you will see, where and how, I got my inspiration for this painting


it is currently a Work-in-Progress on the easel - Oil on art board

so forgive me adding it now, but I just had to share it so far.

~ Kingfisher ~