
Friday 24 May 2019

Plein air at Arlington Court

The weather was perfect for plein air painting earlier this week at

Decided to set up my easel in the gardens and found the perfect spot under the wisteria arch.  It gave me a great view along the pathway to the conservatory.
Perfect weather to dry my watercolours without having to wait too long.

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Tuesday 14 May 2019

The difference a few brush strokes make

Okay I have to admit, this is only an example and not an artwork of great note.  However, I DID enjoy painting it.  On our recent holiday down to Cornwall I did, not only paintings for sale, but also sketching.  SOME of those sketches turned into little paintings in their own right.  I love it when that happens.

Here's an example of how a FEW added details can bring a painting to life and make it pop.
This is with GOUACHE, so by nature it dries flat and opaque  ~ something I love about this medium ~

My initial wash of colour

St. Michael's Mount, Penzance

and then I added Permanent White 
(not much though)
plus a person on the beach

Is it just me, or does it POP now!


Tuesday 7 May 2019

Update about the plant I mentioned the other day....

and the pictures of the plant

We had spotted this at one of the National Trust properties in Cornwall 

One of my followers, Shammickite, suggested asking the Trust about the plant. So this evening I messaged them on Facebook, and to my surprise a very kind person there answered within an hour!!!
How efficient was that!

so now you all want to know the response which was:

Hello Ann, really glad you enjoyed your visit. The plant is olearia x scilloniensis.

(thanks Shammickite for suggesting I ask the question)

Monday 6 May 2019

Elizabeth Hyde Photography

Our daughter, Elizabeth (known as Lil), is a great photographer and spending more time recently taking some awesome photos (I tend not to say the word 'awesome' very often, so you probably get the idea that I am totally biased here).   I like to think it is justified as myself and others point out that she 'has an eye for photos'.  

I've helped her with a Blog (I've made it more like a website).  She will eventually have a Link for selling photos, but we still have to work that bit out!  However, in the meantime I have added some photos for her, and Catergorised them too.   She has also set up a Facebook Page,  I have encouraged her to add a shop (another "work in progress").  

Let's face it these things take time to evolve, so bear with it and in the meanwhile
take a look at her blog/website and facebook page so far.


Facebook Page - Elizabeth's Photography

📸 📸 📸

Sunday 5 May 2019

Oh my, this plant was pretty

I have no idea what it is called, but it was amazing, I just HAD to
take a photo of two to show you all

It has the prettiest little daisy-like flowers

here's a close-up

~ Hope you're all having a good weekend ~

Friday 3 May 2019

Painting on location

One of the great things about going away, is it inspires paintings.   I have to restrict what I choose, otherwise I would sketching and painting 24/7 -  our recent trip to Cornwall was, of course, FULL OF INSPIRATION.   I did a lot of little sketches here and there, but restricted myself to only a handful of  landscapes.  I used Gouache as my medium this trip and thoroughly enjoyed using it.

These make great little reminders of the time in Cornwall, but will be useful to work them into bigger paintings.  I may even use oils, I think it would suit them....we shall see, but I will be sure to let you all know.